Modelo tridimensional de la gestión efectiva del talento en las organizaciones


  • Edvin Méndez Universidad Galileo de Guatemala



talent management, human resources, labor relations, human capital


PROBLEM: The need to create a model for effective talent management in organizations. OBJECTIVE: To propose the effective management of talent in organizations, based on the current practices typical of these organizations and characteristics according to the archetype of organizational development in which it fits. METHOD: Technological research and incremental development, based on an explanatory diagnosis of a qualitative approach to case studies, through inductive content analysis. RESULTS: a model of talent management that emerges from the usual practices in companies’ characteristic of the four main sectors of the country; A classification into archetypes of organizations based on the level of organizational development and a proposed model for effective talent management in organizations. CONCLUSION: it was possible to establish an emerging model of the typical talent management practices used in organizations characteristic of the four main productive sectors of the country, based on the establishment of seven inductive conceptual categories that emerge from the reports of the expert professionals who were interviewed. Likewise, the strengths and weaknesses of the model were identified as a basis for these conceptual categories. Finally, a three-dimensional model is proposed for effective talent management in organizations.


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Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Universidad Galileo de Guatemala

He is a Doctor in Business Administration and Human Capital, Master in Reengineering Assurance Technologies, both from the Galileo University. Master in Economics and International Finance, as well as Master in Higher Strategic Studies, both from the Mariano Gálvez University. Psychologist from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala and Director of Technical and Professional Services of the Center for Research, Innovation and Development -CiiDE-


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2023). Modelo tridimensional de la gestión efectiva del talento en las organizaciones. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 7(2), 55–71.