El tercer currículo en el Subsistema de Educación Regular de Bolivia


  • Edvin Méndez Escuela Militar de Ingeniería EMI, Cochabamba, Bolivia




diversified curriculum, Regular Subsystem, local knowledge


OBJECTIVE: to distinguish new elements to strengthen the diversified curriculum of the Regular Education Subsystem of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. METHOD: dialectical-critical research, in accordance with the analysis and synthesis of the educational legal system (Political Constitution of the State and Law No. 070 "Avelino Siñani - Elizardo Pérez"), the base, regionalized and diversified curriculum issued by the Ministry of the branch. RESULTS: they are circumscribed in the imperative need to re (value) local knowledge, oral history, inclusive language, technological symmetries and others generated from the needs, problems and potentialities of principals, teachers, students, mothers and fathers. CONCLUSION: It is urgent that educational authorities at the central, departmental, municipal and district levels promote internal and external socialization spaces for the systematization of experiences inside and outside the educational community.


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Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Escuela Militar de Ingeniería EMI, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Magister in Teacher Training Policies, graduate in Education Sciences, Secondary Social Sciences, graduated from the Centennial Faculty of Law, He has several diplomas and specialties in Regular and Higher Education. Doctoral student in Education with a Focus on Complexity and Transdisciplinary Research from the EMI Cochabamba Military School of Engineering. Columnist in several Bolivian newspapers. He currently works as an institutionalized director at the "Santa Lucía" Educational Unit in the municipality of Yocalla, Potosí department, Bolivia.


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Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (2019). Decreto Supremo Nº 0328 “Consejo Lengua de Señas Boliviana”. Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia. https://www.minedu.gob.bo/files/publicaciones/veaye/dgee/D.S.-0328--2009-Consejo-Lengua-de-Senas-Boliviana.pdf

Ministerio de Educación (2010). Ley de la educación Nº 070 “Avelino Siñani – Elizardo Pérez”. MINEDU. https://www.minedu.gob.bo/files/documentos-normativos/leyes/LEY_070_AVELINO_SINANI_ELIZARDO_PEREZ.pdf

Ministerio de Educación (2012). Currículo del Subsistema de Educación Regular. MINEDU. https://es.scribd.com/document/341129491/Curriculo-Del-Subsistema-de-Educacion-Regular

Nicolescu, B. (1996). La Transdisciplinariedad (M. Vallejos. Trad., 1.ª ed.). Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin, A.C. https://fhcevirtual.umsa.bo/btecavirtual/?q=node/528

Vicepresidencia del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (2009). Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia. https://medios.economiayfinanzas.gob.bo/MH/documentos/normas_leyes/NCPE_oficial.pdf



How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2023). El tercer currículo en el Subsistema de Educación Regular de Bolivia. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 7(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v7i2.223