Factores de riesgo materno-fetales que se presentan en hemorragia posparto temprana





factores, riesgo, hemorragia, posparto


PROBLEM: Postpartum hemorrhage is described as the loss of any amount of blood that causes signs of hypovolemia or hemodynamic instability in the patient. This is among the first three causes of maternal mortality and its prevalence is higher in third world countries. OBJECTIVE: To describe the maternal-fetal risk factors that occur in early postpartum hemorrhage. METHOD: A monographic compilation study was carried out, of a documentary nature based on a bibliographic review and the synthesis of the evidence presented by researchers who have addressed the issue of maternal-fetal risk factors that occur in early postpartum hemorrhage and gynecobstetric history. RESULTS: sociodemographic factors linked to early postpartum hemorrhage consist of being between 10 and 19 years of age or over 35 years of age, being illiterate or with a low level of education, living in rural areas or with little accessibility, and not having a fixed partner or not being legally married. In Guatemala, the departments of San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Quiché, and Alta Verapaz have had the highest rates of maternal morbidity from postpartum hemorrhage, with an estimated 4 out of 10 maternal deaths. CONCLUSION: Maternal-fetal risk factors that occur in early postpartum hemorrhage are uterine atony, fetal macrosomia, uterine fibroids, high parity, tears and lacerations, retention of placental debris, polyhydramnios, fetal head descent, sepsis, and multiple gestations.


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Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Licenciatura en Ciencias Médicas del Centro Universitario de Oriente de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Coautora y expositora en Conferencia virtual de artículo de la Revista Científica del Sistema de Estudios de Postgrado SEP “COVID-19: Distanciamiento Social, sus efectos psicológicos y 10 Estrategias para sobrellevarlo” en marzo de 2021


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2023). Factores de riesgo materno-fetales que se presentan en hemorragia posparto temprana . Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 7(1), 165–173. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v7i1.216