El Currículo de Ingeniería Civil como instrumento transformador


  • Edvin Méndez Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba, Bolivia




currículo, transformador, competencias, complejidad, competencias tansversales


PROBLEM: a large percentage of Civil Engineering Degrees in Bolivia and Latin America have incomplete curricula and, in their case, have some deficiencies. OBJECTIVE: to identify deficiencies in the curricula of Civil Engineering Degrees in Bolivia and suggest the inclusion of subjects relevant to said curricula with complexity criteria. METHOD: the applied method is documented research, in a series of books and articles related to the subject, as well as in the current curricula of different Bolivian universities. RESULTS: curricula were verified with the absence of important subjects in academic training, or with little workload, curricula with too much political rather than academic orientation. CONCLUSION: the curricula lack some important subjects in the training of Civil Engineering students. They present shortcomings when taking into account the Student Income Profile, the Student Training Profile, the Student Performance Profile and the Teacher Profile, in an ethical and relevant manner. They restrict graduates in the development of their capacities, so that they are actors in the transformation of their society, due to their high level of training, not only in knowledge, knowledge, skills and abilities but also in ethical-moral values. They do not facilitate the training of empathetic professionals, who can complement themselves with their peers and with professionals from other disciplines.


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Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Es Doctorante en Doctorado en Educación Superior con Enfoque Complejo y Transdisciplinar DOE VII (EMI). Ingeniero Civil. (UMSS), estudió el Diplomado en Educación Superior (EMI), el Diplomado en Diseño Curricular de Aula y Docencia Universitaria por Competencias EMI) y la Especialidad en Educación Superior (UMSS). También es graduado en la Maestría en Integrated Engineering (HvU). Es Docente (EMI) y (UMSS).


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2023). El Currículo de Ingeniería Civil como instrumento transformador . Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 7(1), 47–57. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v7i1.207