El diseño curricular complejo basado en competencias





diseño, currículo, Discriminación étnica, competencia, pensamiento complejo, sistemas complejos


PROBLEM: The curricular design oriented to the educational and formative development in the teaching-learning process, lacks a method that allows the construction of the interpretive and comprehensive aspect in human knowledge, and that these allow, from its application, the construction of knowledge, considering the relationships between man, society, life and the world. OBJECTIVE: Determine what is complex competency-based curricular design? METHOD: The synthetic analytical method was applied, this in order to understand the object of study in parts and then analyze them together. In this sense, different bibliographies were consulted and in this way understand that design refers to the approach of a plan. RESULTS: A plan oriented towards an academic curriculum to apply the teaching-learning process in the student, as well as incorporate the skills to identify the student's expertise, aptitude, ability to do something in a specific matter in the labor market, and Subsequently, complexity should be included in this curricular design by competencies, for which the theories of complex thought and complex systems were analyzed. CONCLUSION: A complex thought that allows us to put in order, clarity, distinguish the development of a curricular design by competences, in addition to analyzing complex systems, which is a system that presents properties that are the result of the interactions between its parts, this last definition makes us understand that the elaboration of a curricular design by competences has its degree of complexity.


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Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Escuela Militar de Ingeniería de Cochamamba, Bolivia

Ingeniero geógrafo de profesión, cuento con una Maestría en Geopolítica de los Recursos Naturales, ambos grados académicos lo obtuve en la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés de Bolivia, actualmente estoy como estudiante en el Doctorado en Educación con Enfoque en la Complejidad y la Investigación Trasdisciplinar en la Escuela Militar de Ingeniería de Bolivia.

Realicé trabajos relacionados a la gestión del riesgo de desastres en Bolivia, asimismo soy docente de pregrado y posgrado en la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés y la Escuela Militar de Ingeniería.


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2023). El diseño curricular complejo basado en competencias. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 7(1), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v7i1.205