Levels of competition reader in students sixth primary formal sector in schools Departament Chiquimula, Guatemala


  • Delfido Geovany Marroquín Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI- Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-




Reading competence, accuracy, fluency, speed and reading comprehension


The purpose of the manuscript is to present the results of the study in which the level of reading competence of sixth grade students in the department of Chiquimula, Guatemala, was determined. The research is of a descriptive type, of quasi-experimental design and with the deductive method. We tried to confirm or reject the hypothesis Hi The reading competence of sixth grade students which is at a “good” level, being the main hypothesis in this study.In the action phase a strategy programming was worked out, concluding that progress was made with an improvement point, after applying with the students, a pre-test and post-test, where accuracy, speed, fluency and comprehension were handled. of readings. After being subjected to a research process for fifteen days, the students managed to surpass the established levels, obtaining results that allowed to confront those of a pre-test and a post-test, rejecting the main hypothesis, since the level of the competition The sixth grade primary school student in the department is “very good”, with 38% improvement in said process. As a final part of the research process, a compendium was delivered with strategies and lectures to the teacher, with the purpose of stimulating the students and creating a reading habit.


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Author Biography

Delfido Geovany Marroquín, Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI- Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-

Es Licenciado en Pedagogía y Administración Educativa, graduado en la Facultad de Humanidades de la USAC. Con especialización a nivel de Postgrado “Formador de formadores” graduado en EFPEM USAC, EDUVIDA-Cooperación Alemana. Graduado en la Maestría en Ciencias en la carrera Docencia Universitaria con énfasis en Estrategias de Aprendizaje del Centro Universitario de Oriente CUNORI. Es profesor titular I del Centro Universitario de Oriente en la carrera de Pedagogía. Presidente de la comisión de trabajos de graduación de dicha carrera. En el año 2011 obtuvo el premio Maestro 100 puntos otorgados a nivel nacional por Empresarios por la Educación, al realizar labor docente en el nivel primaria en la Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta de la Aldea Santa Rosalía, Esquipulas, Chiquimula, Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Marroquín, D. G. (2017). Levels of competition reader in students sixth primary formal sector in schools Departament Chiquimula, Guatemala. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 41–47. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v1i1.9