Analysis of the importance of educational planning


  • Florinely Lemus Pérez Departamento de Estudios de Postgrado, Centro Universitario de Suroriente –CUNSURORI- USAC. Jalapa



Planning, education


It is known as planning, planning or planning, generally in Spanish-speaking countries, but in the most universal sense, it implies having one or several objectives in common, together with actions required to conclude successfully. Other definitions, more precise, include planning as a decision-making process to reach a desired future, taking into account the current situation and the internal and external factors that can influence the achievement of objectives, going from the simplest to the complex, depending on the medium to be applied. The action of planning in management refers to plans and projects in their different areas, levels and attitudes. It is understood by planning and its synonyms, to any activity previously programmed to its realization or application, being a process of utmost importance in all life processes, to obtain positive results and achieve success in the future. The aim of the essay is to analyze the importance of planning, both in the universal and educational field.


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Author Biography

Florinely Lemus Pérez, Departamento de Estudios de Postgrado, Centro Universitario de Suroriente –CUNSURORI- USAC. Jalapa

Licenciada en Pedagogía y Administración Educativa, actualmente estudia la Maestría en Docencia Universitaria con Énfasis en Andragogía en el Centro Universitario de Suroriente CUNSURORI de la USAC. Se desempeña como Directora de un colegio privado en el municipio de Ipala, Chiquimula, es también profesora en un instituto por cooperativa en el mismo municipio.


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How to Cite

Lemus Pérez, F. (2019). Analysis of the importance of educational planning. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 3(1), 135–141.