Model for the integration of health and sexuality in curricular development


  • Lilian Carolina Ramírez Castellanos Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-



Curricular model, adolescents, education in health and sexuality, pregnancy in adolescents


It is important the education about heath and sexuality because it is fundamental to define the future of the life and to improve the human development. However, it is unusual that the young people have receive health education and reproductive and sexual education for their life taking in count the cultural and social elements to achieve suitable conditions for their life. This research work, make reference to the descriptive and purposeful research. The scholar environment is an appropriate frame of work to offer sexual education, before that the active sexual life be started, and inside de framework of the prevention and better done through a suitable defined curricular structure. In addition to the academic and theoretical contents, the design of a curricular model, must be contribute to answer to the main needs to prevent the social problems. This proposal using a model that contribute to answer the great concern indicated by the World Health Organization, regarding the adolescence period, that is the same point of the time where the young people is designing the future of their own life within the society, with a future projection, mainly as a tool to prevent one of the main social problems to the Guatemalan society, as the teen pregnancy, which is turn associated with another kind of problems to impact with the social development, like the poor academic performance and difficulties to reach the labor market.


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Author Biography

Lilian Carolina Ramírez Castellanos, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-

Candidata a Doctora por la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, con Maestría en Alimentación y Nutrición en la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, es Médica y Cirujana, es también estudiante de la Maestría en Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos en la misma universidad. Becaria de “Tecnología de Investigación en Planificación Familiar (Programa de Entrenamiento en Investigación en Family Health International y Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Carolina del Norte). Ha realizado las siguientes investigaciones: “Factores de riesgo de embarazo en adolescentes y prácticas educativas para la prevención del abandono escolar” y “Modelo para la integración de salud y sexualidad en el desarrollo curricular”.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Castellanos, L. C. (2019). Model for the integration of health and sexuality in curricular development. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 3(1), 117–125.