Epidemiologic risk of developing diabetes type 2


  • Julio Adan Reyes López Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-




FINDRISC, type 2 diabetes mellitus, risk, glucose, test


The risk of suffering from diabetes has been studied since this pathology was discovered. In Europe, the FINDRISC test has been used to screen patients at high risk of developing diabetes. Transverse descriptive study in 374 patients were chosen by simple randomized probabilistic sampling, who attended the Health Center of San Jacinto, Chiquimula. The objective was to evaluate the level of risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus within 10 years in the population through the FINDRISC test. The risk level to develop diabetes of the most frequent population was the slightly elevated risk with 29.4% (n = 110), the high risk with 25.2% (n= 94) and the very high risk with 7.5% (n = 28), the sex most affected was the female with 73% (n = 69) of cases at high risk and 82% (n = 23) cases of very high risk, the age group most affected for a high risk were those under 45 with 34% (n = 32) and for avery high risk, between 55 to 64 years with 36% (n = 10). The 3 most frequent causes with high risk of developing diabetes were: lack of fruit and / or vegetable consumption with 35% (n = 33), lack of physical activity for 30 minutes a day, with 33% (n = 31) and a high glucose level in medical control (prediabetes) with 32% (n = 30). For very high risk, inheritance predominated with 35.7% (n = 10), followed by a high glucose level with 35.7% (n = 10), and lack of physical activity with 28.6% (n = 8). It was determined that 59 patients in the sample developed diabetes, so that, from 13,089 inhabitants, 15.96% (n = 2,089) developed it within 10 years, data calculated from the results obtained from the FINDRISC test.


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Author Biography

Julio Adan Reyes López, Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-

Médico y Cirujano, egresado del Centro Universitario de Oriente CUNORI, de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre “Efectos de la rosuvastatina y atorvastatina sobre lipoproteinas de baja densidad en población Chiquimulteca”, “Complicaciones maternas en embarazos de adolescentes”, “Nivel de conocimientos acerca de reanimación neonatal avanzada en estudiantes de medicina del hospital nacional Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio”, “Incidencia de infecciones asociadas a servicios de salud”, “Evaluacion de las maniobras de Leopold”, “Secuelas a mediano plazo en pacientes diagnosticados con CHIKV por laboratorio y nexo epidemiologico en la aldea San Esteban”. Su más reciente investigación es el “Riesgo Epidemiológico de desarrollar diabetes mellitus tipo 2”.


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Lindström, J. & Tuomilehto, J. (2003). The diabetes risk score: a practical tool to predict type 2 diabetes risk. Revista Diabetes Care 26(3). https://doi.org/10.2337/ diacare.26.3.725

López, T. (2016). Factores de riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 entre los colaboradores de una compañía de seguridad de la ciudad de Guayaquil. Tesis Lic. Samborondón, Ecuador, UEES. Recuperado de http://repositorio.uees.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/ 1930/1/Tannya Lopez Trabajo de Titulación UEES 2016.pdf

Puente, D. (2015:). ¿Cuál es la prueba más fiable para el cribado de la diabetes ¿glucemia en ayunas, sobrecarga oral de la glucosa o hemoglobina glucosilada? In Guía de actualización en diabetes mellitus tipo 2. España, Editorial Euromedice Vivactis. Recuperado de http://www.redgdps.org/gestor/upload/GUIA2016/ Guia_Actualizacion_2016v2.pdf



How to Cite

Reyes López, J. A. (2019). Epidemiologic risk of developing diabetes type 2. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 3(1), 93–99. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v3i1.84