Relation of intrapartal cardiotocographic monitoring with the clinical status of the newborn


  • Nancy Elizabeth Ramírez López Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-



intrapartum cardiotocographic monitoring, clinical status of the newborn, apgar


The electronic intrapartum fetal monitoring is a method that serves for the assessment of fetal well-being based on the observation of the cardiac response to fetal movements and uterine contractions, in obstetric practice it helps to predict correctly the fetal condition, the adaptation from intrauterine to extrauterine environment, it allows us to evaluate what would be the possible Apgar that the newborn will obtain at the moment of birth and in this way to be able to determine the obstetric behavior to follow. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on intrapartum cardiotocography monitoring in the national hospital of Chiquimula to 271 patients with active labor, later the clinical status of the newborn was evaluated and it was related to intrapartum cardiotocography monitoring, it was obtained that the relative risk for this ratio was 9.2 (2,722 - 31.08, 95% CI).  The intra-partum cardiotocographic monitoring performed on the labor and delivery service patients of the national hospital of Chiquimula had a sensitivity of 60% and a specificity of 88%, the capacity of the non-reactive cardiotocographic monitoring to predict a clinical state of the unfavorable newborn is of 16%, and the capacity of reactive cardiotocographic monitoring to predict a favorable clinical status of the newborn is 98%. Through Fisher’s exact test, the P value was obtained, for this ratio it was 0.0007193 (<0.05). It was concluded that intrapartum cardiotocographic monitoring is related to the clinical status of the newborn.


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Author Biography

Nancy Elizabeth Ramírez López, Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-

Médico y Cirujano, egresada del Centro Universitario de Oriente CUNORI de la Universidadde San Carlos de Guatemala en el año 2018. Realizó la investigación que lleva como título “Relación del Monitoreo Cardiotocográfico intraparto con el estado clínico del recién nacido”. Actualmente se desempeña como médico residente 1 de Ginecología y Obstetricia en el Hospital Regional de Zacapa.


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How to Cite

Ramírez López, N. E. (2019). Relation of intrapartal cardiotocographic monitoring with the clinical status of the newborn. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 3(1), 11–17.