Reengineering to improve the performance of human resources


  • Margareth Esquivel Andrade Maestría en Administración de Recursos Humanos , Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala



Reengineering, performance of human resources, change


Reengineering is of great importance, especially when the focus is on the performance of human resources, since it has always been the key to the development of the organization. The research that presents the type of descriptive bibliography, which includes arguments and several points of view of experts, who since the decade of the 90 ‘, have made known their arguments regarding the application of reengineering. For example, Delgado, presents a very clear concept of reengineering, which consists of starting from scratch, Chiavenato, who is one of the best-known authors, innovation through reengineering to keep organizations at the forefront, Juarez on the other hand considers that it is not necessary to stop considering the moment to do the reengineering, the present schemes of the high productivity of which they will be in agreement with the wages. The work days are too numerous and reduce the time for personal life, since most accept extraordinary days. Taking into account the opinions of some experts regarding the reengineering, the changes that through it can be applied in the performance of the collaborators.


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Author Biography

Margareth Esquivel Andrade, Maestría en Administración de Recursos Humanos , Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala

Licenciada en Administración de Empresas con estudios de Maestría en Administración de Recursos Humanos, egresada de Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, se desempeña como Gerente en Corporación Internacional Multi inversiones divisiones de Restaurantes de Centro América.


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How to Cite

Esquivel Andrade, M. (2018). Reengineering to improve the performance of human resources. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 2(1), 71–80.