Contribution of Higher Education for the promotion of development


  • Claudia Lorena Jiménez Anzueto Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala



University education, higher studies, development, contribution


Higher education has different purposes, including comprehensive training, to teach human life, to extract the potentials and positive values of people, for academic training. The subject that is presented is the analysis of the contribution of higher education to the academic formation of professionals for the promotion of development in Guatemala specifically from the graduates of the Bachelor of Business Administration of one of the private universities of Guatemala. The methodology of quantitative and qualitative research was used. In this sense, it was possible to verify that for the people researched it is achieved (88%) and for the teachers it is also achieved the formation of higher education (92%) for the promotion of development in Guatemala. With the research it was also possible to identify that it is from participative and active methodologies that the university achieves those purposes. It is important to emphasize that higher education has currently unavoidable challenges in the knowledge and information society; These challenges are: technical and scientific training, global challenges as a global citizen and respectful of individuality and human challenges in the formation of human and social values, as responsible for the search for peace and the common good. The contribution of higher education in development processes is achieved through learning strategies in which students participate and have opportunities for reflection and to know the national reality.


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Author Biography

Claudia Lorena Jiménez Anzueto, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, licenciada en Economía de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, estudios de Maestría en Negocios MBA en la Universidad de Preston, EE.UU. En Educación Universitaria en la UNIS y Riesgos Financieros en la Universidad Francisco Marroquín. Docente Universitaria, Asesora de proyectos educativos y de inversión, experiencia educativa en metodologías del aprendizaje e innovación y tecnología para la educación. Aplicación de temas económicos para el desarrollo y bien común.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Anzueto, C. L. (2018). Contribution of Higher Education for the promotion of development. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 2(1), 47–51.