Efficacy of prenatal care in patients who consult Zacapa Regional Hospital


  • Marco Aarón Xuyá Castillo Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




Prenatal care, effectiveness of prenatal care, Kotelchuck index, maternal and infant mortality


Prenatal care is an effective and inexpensive measure to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, but in order to achieve this, attention must be periodic, extensive, and continuous. Being able to measure itself through several indices, among them we have, at the Kotelchuck index. This is a retrospective, descriptive study on the effectiveness of prenatal care in women who consulted the emergency of the Regional Hospital of Zacapa. The sample is of 632 patients with a confidence interval of 99%, this sample was obtained from the universe of 19,214 patients from January 2012 to December 2016. Three inclusion criteria were used: adult age, active labor and pregnancy at finished. It was observed that 37% (235) of the patients had inadequate prenatal care, 25% (156) took intermediate prenatal care, at the same time 25% (158) with adequate prenatal care and only 13% (83) obtained adequate attention plus. Determining that 62% of the patients do not reach the minimum visits required to have adequate prenatal care or fail to start their prenatal care in the first four months of gestation. This may have an impact on the maternal and infant mortality rate in Guatemala.


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Author Biography

Marco Aarón Xuyá Castillo, Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Médico y Cirujano egresado del Centro Universitario de Oriente CUNORI de la Universidadde San Carlos de Guatemala. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre “Nivel de calidad de atenciónen los servicios de medicina interna del Hospital Regional de Zacapa”, “Estado al nacerde neonatos de pacientes con embarazo a término que recibieron esquema de maduración pulmonar”, “Incidencia de apnea obstructiva del sueño en pacientes que consultan a la clínicas familiares del CUNORI”, “Prevalencia del efecto Somogy en pacientes diagnosticados con Diabetes Mellitus 2”, “Incidencia de hernias inguinales, femorales y recidivantes en los servicios de Cirugías en el Hospital Nacional Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio”. Actualmente estudia el postgrado de Especialización en investigación en el Centro Universitario de Oriente, CUNORI.


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How to Cite

Xuyá Castillo, M. A. (2018). Efficacy of prenatal care in patients who consult Zacapa Regional Hospital. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 2(1), 17–22. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v2i1.47