Evaluation of the lactogenic effect in lactating primiparous rabbits fed with infusions of the Ixbut plant (Euphorbia lancifolia) on weight gain in weanling rabbits


  • Mario Efraín Cortéz Raymundo Centro Universitario de Sur Oriente -CUNSURORI-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-




Galactógogas plants, early weaning, milk production


It is presumed that, in reality, the herb does not increase the amount of milk produced by a cow; simply the production is normalized when it has been affected by some disorder of the respective glands. Milk depends on the transformation of proteins and hydrocarbons that the animal consumes and that obviously the Ixbut can not substitute. To evaluate the galactogogo effect in lactating primiparous rabbits fed infusions of fresh leaves of the plant Ixbut on the weight gain in rabbits weaned at 22 days. The statistical design of randomized blocks was used, with five treatments of five breeders each applying a means test to the significant difference of the variables used to judge the treatments. The percentages of infusion of Ixbut evaluated were 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and 0% as a control treatment. Through the decision matrix and the coefficient of variation, the percentages 100% and 50% were classified as treatment A and B respectively. The Ixbut plant improved the volume of milk production in primiparous rabbits of the Dutch breed, since its use increased the weaning weight of rabbits by 37%, in the 100% infusion treatment. The rabbits fed Ixbut infusions weaned the rabbits in 22 days with an average weight of 575 g. The Ixbut plant, despite being endemic, is still a paradigm for its use in animal species of economic importance. In swine, cattle, goats and sheep, the Ixbut plant would represent the specific resource to level the milk production of the species in question according to the genetic capacity of the specimens.


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Cortéz, M. (2017). Evaluación del efecto lactogénico en conejas primíparas lactantes alimentadas con infusiones de la planta Ixbut (Euphorbia lancifolia) sobre la ganancia de peso en gazapos destetados. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 123–124. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v1i1.39



How to Cite

Cortéz Raymundo, M. E. (2017). Evaluation of the lactogenic effect in lactating primiparous rabbits fed with infusions of the Ixbut plant (Euphorbia lancifolia) on weight gain in weanling rabbits. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 123–124. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v1i1.39