Prevalence of scabies in pediatric patients


  • Emely Isabel Carpio Orozco Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



prevalence, scabies, sarcoptiosis


OBJECTIVE: determine the prevalence of scabies in pediatric patients under 12 years of age, according to SIGSA data at the Jocotán Permanent Care Center, Chiquimula, during the years 2019-2023. METHOD: retrospective descriptive study which allowed us to describe the results of the prevalence of scabies in pediatric patients under 12 years of age. RESULTS: The prevalence of scabies in the Jocotán Permanent Care Center is processed at 2.34%, calculated from the number of patients diagnosed (330) and the total population that attended consultation (14,121) during the years evaluated. CONCLUSION: The demographic characteristics of the diagnosed patients were as follows: the majority were young infants (33.33%), followed by schoolchildren (26.97%), older infants and preschoolers (both 19.70%) and neonates (0.30%). Regarding sex, the prevalence was similar between females (49.39%) and males (50.61%). The majority of patients resided in rural areas (72.12%) and 84.55% were of Mayan origin, with 80.61% belonging to the Ch'orti' linguistic community. The months with the highest frequency of scabies cases were January (12.73%), followed by February and May (10% each). The most common treatment prescribed was benzyl benzoate in 79.70% of cases.


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Author Biography

Emely Isabel Carpio Orozco, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Es egresada de la Carrera de Médico y Cirujano del Centro Universitario de Oriente de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Autora de la tesis presentada como trabajo de graduación titulado “Prevalencia de escabiosis en pacientes pediátricos”.


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How to Cite

Carpio Orozco, E. I. (2024). Prevalence of scabies in pediatric patients. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 8(2), 1–15.



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