Risk of placental acretism in patients with previous cesarean section


  • Amanda María Osorio Sagastume Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




accreta, placenta, previous cesarean section, risk, complications


PROBLEM: Placental accreta is an obstetric anomaly which leads to serious maternal complications, the incidence of which has increased as a result of the increase in cesarean sections. OBJECTIVE: to describe the risk of placental accreta in patients with a previous cesarean section. METHOD: a systematic review of medical articles is carried out to collect information, using the terms placental accreta and previous cesarean section. RESULTS: placental accreta consists of the adhesion and invasion of the placenta to the uterus, which has increased in recent years from 1:30,000 to 1:333-533 conditioned by the increase in cesarean sections worldwide, its diagnosis requires study of risk factors and performance of ultrasound, the treatment of choice is hysterectomy. CONCLUSION: the risk of placental accreta in patients with a previous cesarean section is due to the anatomical and chemical alterations that occur in the uterine scar in subsequent pregnancies.


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Author Biography

Amanda María Osorio Sagastume, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudió la carrera de Médico y Cirujano en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala sede Centro Universitario de Oriente, Médico interno en Hospital de Chiquimula, Chiquimula, Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Osorio Sagastume, A. M. (2024). Risk of placental acretism in patients with previous cesarean section. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 8(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v8i2.268



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