quality of life in patients with heart failure


  • Daniel Alejandro López Ruano Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




quality of life, heart failure, Kansas City


OBJECTIVE: To describe the quality of life measured by the Kansas City scale in patients with heart failure in the outpatient program of the Zacapa Regional Hospital. METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on the quality of life in patients with heart failure according to the Kansas City instrument in 146 patients in the outpatient program of the Zacapa Regional Hospital from May to August. RESULTS: 75.3% of the patients were older than 60 years with a predominance of females at 58.2%. They were from the department of Zacapa with 79.4%, 65.7% of the patients had HFrEF and a functional capacity in 60% of them was NYHA II. The total score provided by the Kansas City scale shows that 54.1% of the population studied had an excellent quality of life. CONCLUSION: The quality of life according to the score provided by the Kansas City scale is described as having an excellent quality of life out of a total of 54.1% of the population studied. It was identified that the most predominant age group was over 60 years old, with the female sex being the most affected. It was found that 65.7% had HFrEF. The functional capacity that was most present in 60% of them was NYHA II.


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Author Biography

Daniel Alejandro López Ruano, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de la carrera de Médico y Cirujano en el Centro Universitario de Oriente, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Actualmente maestrante en la especialización en Investigación Científica, del programa de estudios de Postgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniería de dicha universidad. 


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How to Cite

López Ruano, D. A. (2024). quality of life in patients with heart failure. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 8(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v8i2.266



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