D-Dimer in infectious diseases not associated to COVID-19





D-dimer, Covid-19


OBJECTIVE: Describe the elevation of D-dimer with infectious diseases not associated with COVID-19. METHOD: Retrospective descriptive study of 54 patients admitted to the Pediatrics Department of the Zacapa Regional Hospital from March 2020 to February 2024. RESULTS: The most frequent disease and elevation of D-dimer was community-associated pneumonia (30%), the most affected age group was the neonatal age (31%), the most frequent gender was female (56%), it was determined that the range present in the clinical records with elevated D-dimer were negative values ​​​​from 0 to 500 ng / mL (35%), 2000 to 5000 ng / mL (24%) and ≥ 5000 ng / mL (17%), there were 8 cases of death in total out of 54 records, which represented mortality of 15%, and a hospital stay ≥ 10 days in 61%. CONCLUSION: Regarding the study, elevated D-dimer could be observed in patients with infectious diseases not associated with COVID-19 since 65% had elevated values ​​​​compared to 35% who remained negative.


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Author Biography

Silvia María Rivera Andrade, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Es egresada de la Carrera de Médico y Cirujano del Centro Universitario de Oriente de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Es autora de la tesis presentada como trabajo de graduación titulado “Dímero D en enfermedades Infecciosas no Asociadas a COVID-19


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How to Cite

Rivera Andrade, S. M. (2024). D-Dimer in infectious diseases not associated to COVID-19. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 8(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.36314/cunori.v8i2.264



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