Clinical characterization of patients with traumatic brain injury treated at the Nicolasa Cruz National Hospital Jalapa


  • María Lourdes Reyes Reyes Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



Traumatic brain injury, clinical characteristics, sociodemographic characteristics


OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients with traumatic brain injury who were treated at the Nicolasa Cruz National Hospital in Jalapa from January 2019 to December 2023. METHODS: A descriptive study was carried out, so the data was digitally recorded in the questionnaire created in google forms. RESULTS: Of the 577 patients, the age group of 18 to 30 years was the most affected 60%. The majority were male 75%, 66% were single and 48% were Catholic. Most came from the departmental capital of Jalapa 21% and the most common educational level was primary education 33%. The most frequent occupation was farmer 17%. The main cause of head trauma was traffic accidents (56%). The frequency of head trauma was 577 patients. Mild TBI was the most common at 63%. 35% did not undergo CT scans, this being the predominant category and the most frequent lesion was cerebral edema 11%. However, 3% of deaths were registered. CONCLUSION: The implementation of education and prevention programs for traffic accidents aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years of age, especially single men and farmers with a primary education level, is recommended. In addition, improving access to advanced diagnostics, such as CT scans, is critical to effectively detect and treat lesions such as cerebral edema and reduce mortality .


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Author Biography

María Lourdes Reyes Reyes, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudió la carrera de Médico y Cirujano en la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala, se graduó en nivel medio de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Medicina en el Instituto Putzey Álvarez


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How to Cite

Reyes Reyes, M. L. (2024). Clinical characterization of patients with traumatic brain injury treated at the Nicolasa Cruz National Hospital Jalapa. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 8(2), 1–14.



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