Cardiovascular risk in medical and paramedical staff of the Nicolasa Cruz de Jalapa National Hospital


  • Mynor José Quintana Morales Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular risk, office globorisk scale, medical and paramedical personnel


OBJECTIVE: To estimate cardiovascular risk according to the GLOBORISK OFFICE scale in the medical and paramedical staff of the National Hospital of Jalapa METHOD: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in 35 doctors and 55 paramedics between 40 and 74 years of age who work at the National Hospital. of Jalapa, taking anamnesis, physical examination and measuring weight/height to estimate risk of cardiovascular disease. RESULTS: The medical staff presented 77% of low cardiovascular risk, 23% of moderate risk and 91% of the paramedical staff presented low risk according to the Globorisk Office scale. It was determined that 51% of the entire population was overweight and 21% grade 1 obesity. The highest percentage of the population showed optimal systolic blood pressure levels, with only 5% having grade 1 arterial hypertension, with overweight being the most frequent risk factor with predominance in females aged 40-49 years, followed by hypertension as a history, mainly affecting to the male sex of 65-74 years. CONCLUSION: The largest proportion of the population studied is at low risk (85%) for cardiovascular disease, being in the age range of 40 to 49 years, followed by personnel at moderate risk with 14%, with no high risk found in the population of study, because most of the population is young between 40 and 49 years old.


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Author Biography

Mynor José Quintana Morales, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudió la carrera de Médico y Cirujano en la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala, se graduó en nivel medio de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Ciencias Biológicas en Escuela En Ciencias de la Comunicación.


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How to Cite

Quintana Morales, M. J. (2024). Cardiovascular risk in medical and paramedical staff of the Nicolasa Cruz de Jalapa National Hospital. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 8(2), 1–14.



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