Determination of nutritional requirements in criollo bare-necked breeders (Gallus domesticus nudicullis) in early stage, under an intensive system


  • Ramírez Suchini Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI- Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-



Requirements, Creole chicken, metabolizable energy, crude protein, digestion, performance, weight gain


The present investigation was carried out in El Zapotillo cattle farm, Chiquimula, with the purpose of evaluating the effect of four interactions of crude protein (PC) and metabolizable energy (ME) in food, (treatment A: 20% PC with 2900 Kcal / Kg, treatment B: 18% PC with 2900 Kcal / Kg, treatment C: 20% PC with 2750 Kcal / Kg and treatment D: 18% PC with 2750 Kcal / kg) on the variables food consumption, weight gain, food conversion and benefit / cost of each treatment. Twenty-one bare-necked criollo chicks one day old were used; they were distributed in experimental units of 14 birds, for 63 days, during which time they were provided with commercial balanced feed according to the different energy protein levels of each treatment and water ad libitum. The results obtained were subjected to an analysis of variance, determining that in the variable food consumption there is a significant difference between treatments (P≤0.05). Where the treatment D obtained an accumulated average consumption of 1602.22 g / bird / 63 days, while for A, B and C reflect a consumption of 1393.44 g, 1410.38 and 1425.28 g respectively, so they are statistically equal. The variables weight gain and feed conversion did not show significant differences (P≥0.05). In weight gain, a minimum value of 482.09 g / bird / 63 days was obtained for A; while the highest value was 527.43 g / bird / 63 days belonging to D; in the food conversion they varied from 2.70 for B, 3.05 corresponding to D. The financial evaluation was made based on a partial budget from where the benefit / cost variable, the best ratio was 1.48, was obtained with treatment B. The effect of The protein-energy interactions of the evaluated diets did not affect the weight gain and feed conversion of the birds.


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Suchini, R. (2017). Determinación de requerimientos nutricionales en reproductoras criollas cuello desnudo (Gallus domesticus nudicullis) en etapa de inicio, bajo un sistema intensivo. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 95–96.



How to Cite

Suchini, R. (2017). Determination of nutritional requirements in criollo bare-necked breeders (Gallus domesticus nudicullis) in early stage, under an intensive system. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 95–96.