La prueba electrónica en el proceso penal




justice, electronic evidence, modernization


OBJECTIVE: develop the importance of the modernization of criminal justice, with the new means of electronic evidence, studying some doctrinal definitions and providing the one that is believed to be more in line with the practical and legal precepts, the elements that make up this means of proof, the characteristics, nature and classification of this means of proof that has been developed in the doctrine. METHOD: the method used for the research is descriptive. RESULTS: the main results of the investigation, in the contribution of a definition that illustrates to the judicial officer the importance of an electronic means of evidence in a criminal process and its special treatment in its completion to be able to incorporate and determine elements that are only They will be able to discover if there is training for judicial officials and assistants, as well as specialized personnel in legal information technology that help the Judge to be able to fill out this means of evidence, with essential tools, that is, with hardware and software. CONCLUSION: to sensitize the students of the Sciences of Law and the justice sector to worry about the implementation of training and equipment that guide an application of justice in an agile and efficient way, taking into account the globalization that is experienced today with the access to the age of technology.


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Author Biography

Evelyn Yessenia Barahona Perdomo, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She has a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, Lawyer and Notary, graduated from the University Center of the East of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, closed curriculum in Master's Degree in Criminal Law and Master's Degree in Constitutional Law, carried out in 2021 an investigation called The violation of due process and the right to equality in the Judgment of Less Serious Crimes.


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How to Cite

Barahona Perdomo, E. Y. . (2022). La prueba electrónica en el proceso penal. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 6(2), 55–64.