VI Congreso Internacional de Narrativa Fantástica 2019, Lima Perú

VI International Congress of Fantasy Narrative 2019, Lima Peru


  • Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



relato fantástico, ciencia ficción, terror, Latinoamérica, epistemología de la Literatura


The VI International Congress of Fantastic Narrative 2019 was held in the capital of Peru from October 23 to 25, 2019. It was organized by the Antonio Cornejo Polar Literary Studies Center and sponsored by the Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute. Elton Honores took over the lead role for event administration. The call considered the proposals of the fantastic subgenre, from the artistic creations of Borges, Poe and Oesterheld. Also, the fantastic was interrelated with related concepts such as science fiction and horror. His intention was to forge an interdisciplinary link, due to the integration of analyzes of film and literary productions worldwide, as well as efforts to implement with surrounding paradigms such as marvelous realism, magical realism, mythical traditions, minifiction, comic strip and comic. The ideal organization of the congress was successfully completed, in such a way that the bases were corroborated in the investigations. The papers were accepted for corresponding with the suggested topics and a distribution of fourteen tables was made for the more than forty contributions. In these, Latin American and North American researchers were involved in person. Likewise, the Amatto and Honors lectures were held. However, I will return to five works that synthesize the objective and the topics developed in this congress. These address the notion of terror from the cinematographic, science fiction from the literary, the epistemology carried out around Latin American authors and the extrapolation of terror from Poe and Lovecraft.


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Author Biography

Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Candidato a Doctor en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Dos veces becario. Investigador Concytec (Perú) y Conacyt (El Salvador) con intereses en la narrativa, la teoría literaria y el cine. Ha publicado en revistas indexadas y ha sido ponente en congresos nacionales e internacionales.


Alvarado Vega, Ó. (2016). “Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849): ‘El gato negro’ y otros relatos fantásticos monstruosos”. Revista Estudios, (32), 268-286.

Bachelard, G. (2000). A Poética do Espaço. Trad. de Antonio de Pádua Danesi. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.

Bossio, S. (2016). “El abismo que nos mira: el terror y lo gótico en las novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa”. En Líneas Generales, (1), 154-164.

Campra, R. (2001). “Lo fantástico: una isotopía de la trangresión”. En: Roas, D. (Comp). Teorías de lo fantástico (pp. 153-191). Madrid: Arco Libros.

Chiampi Cortez, I. (1977). “A imagem da América”. Língua e Literatura, (6), 64-85. DOI:

Cuevas Álvarez, E. (2001). “En las fronteras del cine aficionado: Tren de sombras y El proyecto de la bruja de Blair”. Comunicación y Sociedad, XIV(2), 11-35.

Del Castillo Aira, I. (2017). “Found Footage Horror”. Signa, 26, 815-823. DOI:

Hale, G. y Cowie, R. (Prods.) (1999). The Blair Witch Project (película). Estados Unidos: Haxan Films.

Hernández, S. (2016). La recepción e influencia de Edgar Allan Poe en México. Tesis doctoral. Barcelona: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Lovecraft, H. P. (2001) [1927]. “El color que cayó del cielo”. Ciudad Seva [blog].

Pereira Zaratin, D. A. (2019). Perspectivas do insólito ficcional: uma análise dos romances de Gioconda Belli e María Amparo Escandón. Tesis doctoral. São Paulo: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.

Quirarte, V. (2009). “Poe entre nosotros”. Revista de la Universidad de México, 61-66.

Red Literaria Peruana (2019). “Programa del VI Congreso Internacional de Narrativa Fantástica”. Red Literaria Peruana [blog].

Salinas, P. (1941). “Poe in Spain and Spanish America”. Poe in Foreign Lands and Tongues. A Symposium at the Nineteenth Annual Commemoration of the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore in Westminster Church, Baltimore.

Samamé Saavedra, J. A. (2020). “La influencia literaria de Edgar Allan Poe en la narrativa del terror y lo gótico en Latinoamérica”. Libre e Independiente [blog].



How to Cite

Delgado Del Aguila, J. M. . (2021). VI Congreso Internacional de Narrativa Fantástica 2019, Lima Perú: VI International Congress of Fantasy Narrative 2019, Lima Peru. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 5(1), 153–162.