Taxonomic identification of Ichtic species of the Polochic and Cahabón rivers, from the slope of the Guatemalan Atlantic


  • Roldán Quiroa Centro Universitario del Norte -CUNOR-, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-



Teleosts, anthropogenic, self-purification, meristics, transects


The Polochic and Cahabón rivers are basins of the slope of the Guatemalan Atlantic. However, these suffer the impact of pollutants, since they receive anthropogenic waste and although they have the capacity to withstand alterations through the internal processes of self-purification, the quantity and quality of the introduced wastes can overcome their recovery mechanism. This jeopardizes the existence of the biological diversity present in these aquaculture systems, therefore, it was considered important to carry out the present investigation, which consisted in the taxonomic identification of bony fish. The methodology used was the transect technique, with approximate samples of fifteen kilometers. The capture process was done through the use of cast nets, trammel nets, hooks, etc., during the months of May, June and July of the year 2,000. The captured specimens were conserved in a solution based on formalin at ten percent, to be subsequently identified based on their morphological and meristic characteristics. The results obtained were the identification of thirty fish species of the Osteichthyes class, distributed in sixteen families, of which seventeen were found in the Polochic river, five in the Cahabón river and eight species common to both rivers. Besides knowing the scientific name of the same, it has the vernacular name with which these teleosts are known in the different sampling places. It highlights the fact that diversity increases as the basins approach Lake Izabal. It is worth mentioning that some species are introduced which endangers the balance of these aquaculture ecosystems. From the zootechnical point of view, to know the diversity of fish species, will allow in future investigations to evaluate the productive potential of each one and the nutritional importance that they represent for the families of the rural area.


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Quiroa, R. (2017). Identificación taxonómica de especies Icticas de los ríos Polochic y Cahabón, de la vertiente del atlántico guatemalteco. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 77–78.



How to Cite

Quiroa, R. (2017). Taxonomic identification of Ichtic species of the Polochic and Cahabón rivers, from the slope of the Guatemalan Atlantic. Revista Ciencia Multidisciplinaria CUNORI, 1(1), 77–78.



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